(1)用户信息模块 用户注册登录、个人信息维护
(2)二手交易模块 闲置信息发布、二手物品查询、闲置信息展示、物品分享
(3)失物招领模块 失物招领信息发布、展示
(4)个人信息模块 微信登录、我发布商品列表、我的失物招领列表、喜欢的商品收藏功能
2. 技术选型与架构
const app = getApp() Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { imgUrls: [ 'cloud://dev-513b66.6465-dev-513b66/Carousel/air.jpg', 'cloud://dev-513b66.6465-dev-513b66/Carousel/damen.jpg', 'cloud://dev-513b66.6465-dev-513b66/Carousel/timg.jpg', 'cloud://dev-513b66.6465-dev-513b66/Carousel/yishu.jpg' ], hot_list: [], choose: 1, goods_list: [], lost_list: [], startNum: 0, lastData: false, lostStart: 0, lastLost: false, active: 0, classify_list: [{ icon: '../../images/icons/digit.png', txt: '数码' }, { icon: '../../images/icons/book.png', txt: '书籍' }, { icon: '../../images/icons/soccer.png', txt: '运动' }, { icon: '../../images/icons/shirt.png', txt: '服饰' }], searchKey: '' }, saveSearchKey(e){ this.setData({ searchKey: e.detail.value }); }, changeChoice(event) { const tag = parseInt(event.currentTarget.dataset.tag, 10); this.setData({ choose: tag }); }, initList(startNum){ const that = this; wx.showLoading({ title: '加载中' }) wx.cloud.callFunction({ name: 'getGoods_list', data: { startNum }, success: res => { console.log(res); wx.stopPullDownRefresh(); // 停止下拉刷新 wx.hideLoading(); const { isLast } = res.result; let reverseList = res.result.list.data.reverse(); if(startNum){ //startNum不为0时,拼接到goods_list的后面 reverseList = that.data.goods_list.concat(reverseList); } that.setData({ goods_list: reverseList, lastData: isLast }); }, fail: err => { wx.hideLoading(); console.log(err); } }) }, initLostList(startNum){ const that = this; wx.showLoading({ title: '加载中' }) wx.cloud.callFunction({ name: 'getLost_list', data: { startNum }, success: res => { console.log(res); wx.stopPullDownRefresh(); // 停止下拉刷新 wx.hideLoading(); const { isLast } = res.result; let reverseList = res.result.list.data.reverse(); if(startNum){ //startNum不为0时,拼接到goods_list的后面 reverseList = that.data.lost_list.concat(reverseList); } that.setData({ lost_list: reverseList, lastLost: isLast }); }, fail: err => { wx.hideLoading(); console.log(err); } }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow() { this.initList(0); this.initLostList(0); }, /** *上拉加载 */ onReachBottom(){ console.log('上拉加载') const { startNum, lastData, lostStart, lastLost, choose } = this.data; if(choose == 1 && !lastData){ this.initList(startNum + 1); }else if(choose == 0 && !lastLost){ this.initLostList(lostStart + 1) } }, /** *下拉刷新 */ onPullDownRefresh(){ const { choose } = this.data; if(choose == 1){ this.initList(0); }else{ this.initLostList(0); } }, tapToDetail(e){ const { id } = e.currentTarget.dataset; wx.navigateTo({ url: `../goodsDetail/goodsDetail?id=${id}&status=1` }); }, tapToLostDetail(e){ const { id } = e.currentTarget.dataset; wx.navigateTo({ url: `../lostDetail/lostDetail?id=${id}` }); }, toClassifyList(e){ const { classify } = e.currentTarget.dataset; wx.navigateTo({ url: `../classifyList/classifyList?from=classify&txt=${classify}` }) }, toSearchList(){ let { searchKey } = this.data; this.setData({ searchKey: '' }) searchKey = searchKey.replace(/\s*/g, ''); if(searchKey){ wx.navigateTo({ url: `../classifyList/classifyList?from=search&txt=${searchKey}` }) } }, tapToUserInfo(e){ const { userid } = e.currentTarget.dataset; wx.navigateTo({ url: `../userCenter/userCenter?userId=${userid}` }) } })
<view> <view class="search"> <view class="ipt-box"> <text class="iconfont icon-icon_search"></text> <input class="search-ipt" value="{{searchKey}}" bindinput="saveSearchKey" maxlength="20" type="text" placeholder="请输入查询内容" /> </view> <button bindtap="toSearchList" class="search-btn">搜索</button> </view> <swiper class="home-swiper" autoplay="true" interval="3000" duration="500" > <block wx:for="{{imgUrls}}" wx:key="*this"> <swiper-item> <image src="{{item}}" class="slide-image"/> </swiper-item> </block> </swiper> <view class="main"> <!-- 近期热门 --> <view class="hot"> <view class="h-tag"> <view class="v-line"></view> <text class="tit">热门分类</text> </view> <view class="classify"> <view bindtap="toClassifyList" data-classify="{{item.txt}}" wx:for="{{classify_list}}" wx:key="{{item.txt}}" class="classify-item"> <view class="img_box"> <image src="{{item.icon}}" /> </view> <text class="txt">{{item.txt}}</text> </view> </view> </view> <!-- 信息列表 --> <view class="main-msg"> <!-- 导航条 --> <view class="tab"> <view bindtap="changeChoice" data-tag="1" class='{{choose ? "tab-item item-border" : "tab-item"}}'> <text class='{{choose ? "tit-b" : "tit"}}'>二手市场</text> </view> <view bindtap="changeChoice" data-tag="0" class='{{choose ? "tab-item" : "tab-item item-border"}}'> <text class='{{choose ? "tit" : "tit-b"}}'>失物招领</text> </view> </view> <!-- 列表 --> <view class="msg-list"> <!-- 二手商品列表 --> <view wx:if="{{choose == 1}}" bindtap="tapToDetail" data-id="{{item._id}}" class="msg-item" wx:key="{{item._id}}" wx:for="{{goods_list}}"> <image src="{{item.userDetail.avatarUrl}}" class="userinfo-avatar mini-avatar" catchtap="tapToUserInfo" data-userid="{{item.openid}}" /> <view class="item_right"> <view class="nickName"> <text>{{item.userDetail.nickName}}</text> </view> <view class="item_title"> <text>{{item.title}}</text> </view> <view class="price"> <text class="tag">¥</text><text>{{item.price}}</text> </view> <view class="pic_box"> <image wx:for="{{item.pic_url}}" wx:for-item="img" wx:for-index="idx" wx:key="{{index}}-{{idx}}" src="{{img}}" class="goods_pic" /> </view> <view class="txt_box"> <view class="g_type"> <text>#{{item.g_type}}</text> <van-tag wx:if="{{item.isNew}}" plain type="success">全新宝贝</van-tag> </view> <text class="pub_time">{{item.pub_time}} | {{item.likeNum}}人喜欢</text> </view> </view> </view> <!-- 失物招领列表 --> <view wx:if="{{choose == 0}}" bindtap="tapToLostDetail" data-id="{{item._id}}" class="msg-item" wx:key="{{item._id}}" wx:for="{{lost_list}}"> <image src="{{item.userDetail.avatarUrl}}" class="userinfo-avatar mini-avatar" catchtap="tapToUserInfo" data-userid="{{item.openid}}" /> <view class="item_right"> <view class="nickName"> <text>{{item.userDetail.nickName}}</text> </view> <view class="decrip"> <view> <image src="{{item.pic_url[0]}}" class="goods_pic" /> </view> <view class="des_txt"> <text class="title">{{item.title}}</text> <text class="description">{{item.description}}</text> </view> </view> <view class="t_box"> <view class="g_type"> <text>#{{item.type}}</text> <van-tag wx:if="{{item.status == 1 && item.type_num == 1}}" color="#f2826a" plain>已返还</van-tag> <van-tag wx:if="{{item.status == 1 && item.type_num == 0}}" color="#f2826a" plain>已寻回</van-tag> </view> <text class="pub_time">{{item.pub_time}}</text> </view> </view> </view> <view class="footer" wx:if="{{lastData}}"> <text>没有更多数据了哟~</text> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view>
.main-msg, .hot{ background-color: white; margin-top: 20rpx; } .search{ margin: 10rpx; height: 60rpx; display: flex; flex-direction: row; } .search-btn{ font-size: 24rpx; color: white; background-color: #0fb7e0; border: none; } .ipt-box{ width: 80%; background-color: white; border-radius: 10rpx; padding-left: 20rpx; height: 100%; } .search-ipt{ height: 100%; font-size: 24rpx; display: inline-block; width:90%; margin-left:20rpx; } .icon-icon_search{ position: relative; bottom: 20rpx; } .v-line{ display: inline-block; height: 40rpx; width: 6rpx; margin-right: 20rpx; background-color: #249ed9; } .hot{ height: 240rpx; padding: 20rpx; } .h-tag{ border-bottom: 1rpx solid gray; height: 60rpx; display: flex; flex-direction: row; } .tit{ font-size: 32rpx; color: gray; } .tit-b{ font-size: 32rpx; color: #249ed9; } .tab{ display: flex; height: 80rpx; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; border-bottom: 1rpx solid gray; } .tab-item{ width: 50%; height: 100%; text-align: center; line-height: 80rpx; } .item-border{ border-bottom: 1px solid #249ed9; } .van-tag{ float:right; position:relative; right:100rpx; } .classify-item image{ width: 60rpx; height: 60rpx; position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); } .img_box{ position: relative; background-color: #5386a6; width: 100rpx; height: 100rpx; border-radius: 50%; margin-bottom: 10rpx; } .classify{ display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-around; margin-top: 40rpx; } .classify .txt{ font-size: 24rpx; color: gray; } .classify-item{ display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; }
承接毕业设计,专业团队,价格低!! 微信:LGY178888(添加请说明来意)
共有 0 条评论 - 基于微信小程序-云开发的校园服务平台提供闲置二手交易商城和失物招领功能(毕业设计优秀论文)