<view> <view class="common-bg avatar-box"> <image src="{{avatarUrl}}" class="userinfo-avatar" /> <view bindtap="changeAvatar"> <text class="txt">修改头像</text> <text class="iconfont icon-jiantouarrow487"></text> </view> </view> <form bindsubmit="formSubmit"> <view class="user-info common-bg"> <view> <text>昵称:</text> <input bindinput="changeInfo" maxlength="10" value="{{detailInfo.nickName}}" data-type="nickName" type="text" /> </view> <view bindtap="chooseGender"> <text>性别:</text> <text class="gender_txt">{{detailInfo.gender}}</text> </view> <view> <text>个性签名:</text> <input bindinput="changeInfo" maxlength="20" value="{{detailInfo.autograph}}" data-type="autograph" type="text" /> </view> <view> <text>宿舍区:</text> <input bindinput="changeInfo" maxlength="5" value="{{detailInfo.dormitoryArea}}" data-type="dormitoryArea" type="text" /> </view> <!-- <view> <text>学院:</text> <input bindinput="changeInfo" maxlength="10" value="{{detailInfo.institution}}" data-type="institution" type="text" /> </view> --> </view> <view class="tip"> <text>下面的信息不被公开显示</text> </view> <view class="user-info common-bg"> <view> <text>联系电话:</text> <input bindinput="changeInfo" value="{{detailInfo.phoneNumber}}" data-type="phoneNumber" type="text" /> </view> <view> <text>微信号:</text> <input bindinput="changeInfo" value="{{detailInfo.weChat}}" data-type="weChat" type="text" /> </view> </view> <button form-type="submit" type="primary" class="save">保存</button> </form> <van-toast id="van-toast" /> <van-loading wx:if="{{showLoading}}" size="50px" class="custom-class" color="#fff" /> <view wx:if="{{showLoading}}" class="mask"></view> <van-popup show="{{ showPopup }}" close-on-click-overlay="{{true}}" class="custom-style" position="bottom" bind:close="onClosePopup" > <van-picker show-toolbar title="性别" columns="{{ columns }}" bind:cancel="onClosePopup" bind:confirm="onConfirm" /> </van-popup> </view>
import Toast from '../../miniprogram_npm/vant-weapp/toast/toast'; const app = getApp() Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { avatarUrl: 'cloud://dev-513b66.6465-dev-513b66/avatarUrl/user-unlogin.png', detailInfo: {}, showLoading: false, showPopup: false, columns: ['男', '女'] }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { this.setData({ showLoading:true }) const that = this; try { const skey = wx.getStorageSync('skey'); if (skey) { //获取用户详细信息 // 调用云函数 wx.cloud.callFunction({ name: 'getDetail_info', data: { skey, }, success: result => { console.log(result.result.info); if(result.result.suc){ that.setData({ avatarUrl: result.result.info.avatarUrl, detailInfo: result.result.info }) }else{ console.log(result.result.info); } that.setData({ showLoading: false }) }, fail: err => { console.log(err); that.setData({ showLoading: false }) } }) } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }, changeAvatar(){ const that = this; // 选择图片 wx.chooseImage({ count: 1, sizeType: ['compressed'], sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], success: function (res) { const filePath = res.tempFilePaths; //将选择的图片上传 console.log(filePath); that.doUpload(filePath[0]); }, fail: e => { console.error(e) } }) }, doUpload(filePath) { wx.showLoading({ title: '上传中' }) const that = this; const arr = filePath.split('/'); const name = arr[arr.length-1]; // 上传图片 const cloudPath = 'avatarUrl/' + name; wx.cloud.uploadFile({ cloudPath, filePath }).then(res => { wx.hideLoading(); console.log('[上传文件] 成功:', res) that.setData({ avatarUrl: res.fileID }); }).catch(error => { wx.hideLoading(); console.error('[上传文件] 失败:', error); wx.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '上传失败', duration: 1000 }) }) }, changeInfo(e){ const type = e.currentTarget.dataset.type; const newInfo = this.data.detailInfo; newInfo[type] = e.detail.value; this.setData({ detailInfo: newInfo }); }, formSubmit(){ this.setData({ showLoading: true }); const that = this; const { nickName, gender, autograph, dormitoryArea, phoneNumber, weChat } = this.data.detailInfo; const { avatarUrl } = this.data; try { const skey = wx.getStorageSync('skey'); if (skey) { // 调用云函数 wx.cloud.callFunction({ name: 'modifyInfo', data: { skey, nickName, gender, autograph, dormitoryArea, phoneNumber, weChat, avatarUrl }, success: result => { app.globalData.userInfo = { nickName, gender, autograph, dormitoryArea, phoneNumber, weChat, avatarUrl }; that.setData({ showLoading: false }) Toast(result.result.msg); }, fail: err => { that.setData({ showLoading: false }) console.log(err); } }) } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }, onClosePopup(){ this.setData({ showPopup: false }) }, onConfirm(event){ const { value } = event.detail; const newInfo = this.data.detailInfo; newInfo['gender'] = value; this.setData({ detailInfo: newInfo, showPopup: false }) }, chooseGender(){ this.setData({ showPopup: true }) } })
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